Meet the Board of Directors

SFOM is an entirely volunteer-run organization, and its success depends on members who share their time, skills, energy and enthusiasm within this community. The board is a group of SFOM parents who plan how the club can best support our families, run and grow current programs, host upcoming events, and create a vision for the future.

Current members are always welcome at board meetings. We meet over snacks and drinks one evening a month to share some social time and hold a business meeting. Please see our Events page for info on our upcoming board meetings.

Interested in volunteering? Whether you are interested in building connections and friendships with other parents of multiples or looking for opportunities to use your skills in support of a non-profit, there are many ways give back within this community — from helping at a single event, to doing outreach to members, to volunteering in a role on the board. We are always looking for member volunteers and we enjoy seeing both new and familiar faces! If you are interested in learning more, you are welcome to attend a board meeting, or contact us at

2024-2025 Board Members

Executive Board

President: Mara Carlton
Vice Presidents: Bryony Squillace
Secretary: Alyssa Hislop
Treasurer: Annie Becker

General Board & Key Volunteers

Book Club: Laura den Hartigh

Fundraising: Jill Big Eagle & Heather Pillsbury

Marketing: OPEN role

Membership Lead: OPEN role

Membership Administrator: Bryony Squillace

Membership System Administrator: Katy King

New Member Outreach: Kristin Klansnic

Parent night out: OPEN role

PEMS Participants Coordinator: Megan Reibel

PEMS Leader Coordinator: Lara Diener

Playdates & Outings: OPEN role

5 & Up (school-age): OPEN role

Preemie Closet: Faith Blackmore

Sale Leads: Kore Hanratty Faith Blackmore, Alyssa Hislop

Year One Coordinators: Jen Newkirk and OPEN co-lead role

Website Manager: Alyssa Hislop

Members at Large: Anna Smith, Sarah Larsen, Anna Van Pelt, Rebecca Piha

Thank you to our former board members! Your generosity, commitment, and stewardship has helped build what Seattle Families of Multiples is today.